Official DineOpinion Editions

This is just a quick post about the official and current DineOpinion Editions. In order to make sure you always get the authentic ones, please use to shop and enjoy the original crime novel.

NEW German Editions Dine Opinion
ISBN 9783756829552  in print - available
ISBN 9783756852055 in print - available

German Editions out of print - do not buy
978-3-347-74664-0 outdated softcover
978-3-347-74667-1 outdated hardcover
978-3-347-74669-5 outdated ebook
978-3-347-74672-5 outdated large-print

NEW Spanish Editions Dine Opinion
ISBN 9788411237338  in print - available
ISBN 9788411236683  in print - available
ISBN 9788411237857 digitally available

Spanish Editions out of print  - do not buy
978-3-347-76857-4 outdated softcover
978-3-347-76858-1 outdated hardcover
978-3-347-76859-8 outdated ebook
978-3-347-76860-4 outdated large-print

What happened to the Large-Print book editions?
Some people have noticed and asked what happened to the originally released large-print book editions. Since some of you know that I re-started to publish my crime novel DineOpinion with new ISBN editions those editions are no longer available.
Amazon Book Fraud Warning
Please do not buy my books from any fraudulent un-authorized book-resellers that sell my books for either fake over-priced or cheap-priced copies that you might never receive.
New Print-On-Demand-Partner BOD - Thanks for your support!
There is a new print-on-demand publisher in my toolbox. Please be patient and thanks for your support!
Warum ich nie wieder bei Tredition Self-Publishing machen werde!
Nobody is perfekt. Aber manche sind nicht nur im-perfekt, sondern erscheinen einem wie aus der Hölle geschickt. Sorry, Tredition, aber das ist mein Gefühl, nach dem total verunglückten Self-Publishing-Versuch.