Nailed - A Surprising Depression Antidote For Men is the home of the self-help book from Moritz Abella "Nailed - A Surprising Depression Antidote For Men"

Nailed - A Surprising Depression Antidote For Men

The unconventional self-help guide about nail polish written by Moritz Abella

This is home of the upcoming self-help guide "Nailed" that surprisingly helped Semmy de Nada to overcome depression and now inspires men all over the world to use the power of nail polish color to empower themselves.

Is this a gay thing?

Absolutely not. This is for men of all walks of life. And it is exactly why this works because you will get into discussions with others that adding color to your life and expressing yourself has nothing to do with sexuality in the first place.

Is this also working for women?

It might for some. However since women wear traditionally nail polish already it might not have the same impact as it has for men. It might be different for you if you have associated wearing nail polish with shame and self-denial - then it might be a great starter for you, too!

Who is Moritz Abella?

Moritz Abella is a fictional character in the crime novel DineOpinion written by Semmy de Nada where nail polish plays a key role in the break-though that this character experiences in this crime novel.

“The Fingernail Polish Crime Novel” by Semmy de Nada
What is going on with all those painted nails around Semmy de Nada and his novel DineOpinon?
Seriously? You wrote a book using one of your fictional characters?
YES. I actually learned that from Agatha Christie. She created a fictional crime writer Ariadne Oliver (a friend of Hercule Poirot!) . This crime writer created a character called Hjerson making this a meta-character (a fictional character that creates another one!). You might have seen the fun new crime series that appeared 2021 based on that.

When Can I Buy And Read The Book?

Currently the outline and content of the book is presented to various publishers. This book might be available via self publishing before it goes to official print.
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