About MurderContent.com & Semmy de Nada

MURDERCONTENT.COM is a complete AI-driven project that generates one crime story in a tweet on a high-frequency base and uses Midjourney to add images that depict its story to highlight it.

About MurderContent.com & Semmy de Nada

Semmy de Nada is a crime novel writer and the creator of the crime entertainment brand CanaryIslandsMurders.com and wrote his first crime novel "DineOpinion - Deadly Reviews" completely without AI.

While writing - since his crime novels involve a lot of Internet technology and obviously AI as well Semmy was shocked to find out how much AI has already advanced and that even might replace him as a writer and creative artist.

Since 2021 he is now on a journey to use AI and indeed using his own artistic handwriting and twist to do his work for the Canary Islands Murders brand and a series of books and upcoming TV series known for combining the incredible power of AI and still being credited and visible as the controlling artists, that is putting the final and defining touches to his brand and final product.

MURDERCONTENT.COM is a complete AI-driven project that generates one crime story in a tweet on a high-frequency base and uses Midjourney to add images that depict its story to highlight it.

The English versions are posted via @semmydenada, the German via @kanarenkrimi, and the Spanish version at @canariasseries

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